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Do you understand what I have done for you?


In the readings from Palm Sunday, we heard about the people of Jerusalem laying down their palms in the street and glorifying Jesus' entry into the city. Then John tells us:

"His disciples did not understand and could not comprehend the meaning of these things at first." John 12:16

Jesus' followers didn't fully understand what was happening back then. And it makes me question, do I today?

The powerful message of the Passion and Death of Jesus is the central focus of our faith. This single act of total and uninhibited love changed the course of human history, and yet, we can still so easily gloss over it. We will not be prepared to fully accept and glorify a savior, if we first haven't recognized that we need one.

Friends, He took our place.

Because of our sins, we deserve punishment- not easy to think about but all the more necessary. But because God couldn't bear the thought of heaven without us, He allowed his innocent and perfect Son to die in our place.

"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Mark 10:25).

A ransom- as in something paid for the release of a prisoner. We are prisoners to sin. If Jesus hadn't paid our ransom and taken our place on the cross, we would have no chance of salvation. The sins we commit on earth would be the sins on our souls for all eternity.

After Jesus washed his disciples' feet at the Last Supper, He said, "Do you understand what I have done for you?" These words straight from Jesus' mouth cut straight to my heart.

No, Lord, I don't think I truly understand, and I apologize for not having given it a

second thought. Forgive us if we've taken your Passion lightly.

Jesus, in all of his perfect love will give us the understanding we ask for. When we come to Him and ask for a deeper understanding, we give Him the glory of being a Savior to the people who need reminding that they're in need of being saved.


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