Then Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down.”
-Matthew: 29-32
In faith Peter stepped out of the boat, but in doubt, he began to sink. As long as his eyes were fixed on Jesus, he was capable. As long as his trust remained completely in Jesus, all was well.
God uses the wind and the dark waters at our feet to draw us into a deeper relationship with Him. As soon as I look down at whatever struggle I'm facing and give in to the worrying, and the what if's, and doubts, I sink. I sink into anxiety, and bitterness, and loneliness and *fill in the negative emotion here*. There can be some pretty dark waters at our feet.
But as long as my eyes are on Jesus, with his hands stretched out to me, all is well. Because Jesus himself is goodness, and hope, and a promise of protection. When I'm walking towards this image of Jesus, I don't have any reason to look down. I'm not concerned with what's at my feet. My only concern is the One leading me and what He's leading me to.
Resisting the temptation to look down is not ignorance or denial. Choosing to trust doesn't mean you're ignoring the reality of the obstacles. It just means you've already acknowledged them and left them in His hands.
I have a new found appreciation for the things at my feet, because what other way would require this much trust in God? What other way would have led me to such a determined path to Christ. I know myself, and I know that if there was nothing at my feet, I would have no need to focus on Him. And that would lead me to a false self-sufficiency, destined to crumble under loads that I was not meant to bare.
I know myself, but God knows me better. So maybe, just maybe, he's allowed these things at my feet for this purpose. The things at my feet keep my need for Him fresh in my mind, and without that, I would miss out on the kind of relationship He's calling me to- one of dependence and surrender, but in return- strength, peace, capability and security.
So today, let's remember to set our focus on the promises of the One who's leading us, and not pay any mind to the things at our feet. They are already in his hands.
Thank you for sharing! I know exactly what you are talking about. God bless you!!
Thank you for sharing your undeniable faith. It will surely bring others to Christ!